Friday 5 November 2010


Often tis only through adventures that some truly succeed to find oneself- in knowing themselves. Uncharted realms revealing its many discoveries & stories one moment at a time - an adventure of the Soul is the pursuit of life's expression xXx
This too will pass

No matter where we are, no matter what each & everyone of us are doing, in some way its the adventure which will bring us home to that place within, where we find no other but our own counsel, faith & trust.  Yesterday our daughter was somehow trying to prepare for her day in London where she was to share a 4 hour seminar,  an impersonal room in which she will listen to the most personal memories from  a Holocaust survivor.   Next week her 'education' takes her to Poland to visit Auschwitz, during this logical educational reasonable part of the intellect expansion, which will perhaps at times try to make the incomprehensible comprehensible. I am attempting to find the appropriate balance within the words used when I try to teach her, somehow, someway remind her to explore, to try wholeheartedly to share with her to find the 'value' of such an atrocity, persecution & genocide.  Somehow someway try to utilise all they experienced into all she experiences - in turn to then translate within, to ultimately share within this generation within her Soul.  As the values of such History & experiences must be grasped. This generation must remember, must be aware & know the extremities of all humankind.   To transcend & transform - to utilise with great respect, honour & wisdom the knowledge - to take all forward - to share - to always always remember we have 'choice'. We choose to learn or we choose to ignore. Its so easy to 'hate' so easy to condemn - yet its so significant that we as a conscious whole that we find 'love' & all its expressions.  
All experiences bring gifts to all growth, to our paths & journey. Such atrocities will certainly ignite depths of feelings never known before ..  hopefully from them the importance of compassion & empathy .. when great love overflows .. love is always the only way forward especially when its greatest counterparts are truly being challenged. When we have to endure great loss, suffering & persecution it is then we have to dig so deep, in such darkened depths to find the light, the strength - the courage & the wisdom to find Love's greatest act of response - forgiveness & kindness.  
To forgive the unforgivable acts we create a future based on compassion, love & hope.  Knowing energy wise - what happens to one, touches another .. no such thing as an observer ..  we each create a legacy to remain for those yet to be born. What is our choice will be their inheritance.  Its fascinating how the generational experiences entwine timeless - yet full of value in the present. We learn so much from each other  yet so many forget this, we all infinitely belong to one another. Blessed with Love is the one route we can all choose, aspire to journey. Love can change many things & create much.  So yes, you - me - them - us - all adventurers & adventures are held close in prayer, as the adventure is life's expression from which we transcend to become our purpose. .. however - wherever that may be .. in the garden, the home, the workplace. All equally as significant.  
The amusing facet of this particular daily adventure  for our daughter, is when she listened to the Holocaust survivor sharing the depths & realms of his story,  the huge inconvenience of the Tube strike, for a few minutes in her day, will indeed fade into the welcomed world of wonderful insignificance in the grand scheme of things.

'Perspectives' - in many wondrous ways will broaden today thats for sure!

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For your time, your thoughts & expression - Thankyou.
Wishes for your day - good health, wealth of Soul with a heart full of love & laughter xXx