Saturday 3 December 2011

Something Peaceful

Saying something peaceful, the sky I mean. Sky gazing is an absolute necessity, an integral part of my day, my night my life where ever I am. To draw a gentle breath, fill myself up with love & peace from the Universe surrounding & sustaining me is something which always promotes balance, harmony, equilibrium :) All things as one. Whether the sky is dark, light, colourful or grey always to watch its forever changing canvas is mesmerising.
Beneath a starry sky, beneath the glistening light of the moon, beneath the dappled light & warmth of the sun .. evocative thoughts aways stir a sense of romance. I suppose it is a kind of love affair but thankfully not as stormy. There isn't a day goes by when I haven't embraced the grace, love & light from the heavens above. It is hard to believe the same beautiful canopy casts itself over such troublesome places in the world too. The very same sky which evokes feeling of peace & contentment may be residing over lands christened with murder, rape, beatings, regimes & restrictions. We have such great freedom here in our country, free to choose, free to live those choices, free to improve any predicament we may find ourselves pickled within. December can often be a month full of paradoxes .. some children so excited at the thoughts of Christmas time, Nativity, Santa Claus are so very near. Some children can think only about their presents, their letters to Santa Claus , some excited about holidays & time together - equally some dread the family holidays being together, dread the alcohol consumption by their parents, some fear for their safety . . beneath the same sky we all live our lives to the best of our ability. At Christmas time people notice so much more .. Christmas seems to trigger greater feelings of loneliness. Christmas adverts always project images all of the time of happy families together, all happily eating, drinking & being merry. Adverts trying to ell more toys, more clothes, more food & more drink. Gifts to satisfy ! All makes me wonder what the value truly is of such commercial Christmases. What the cost is to our human nature, to our community, to the feelings of those who have & those who have not. Whether it is understood the gesture behind the bearing of gifts from the 3 wise men .. or other symbolic meanings to be found in any religious connotation to any religious celebration.
The gifts of giving . . the gift of receiving . . I wonder how appreciative each recipient feels when they re given something they don't like or want. I wonder how appreciative people feel when they're sharing their days with loved ones, sharing their home with friends & family or how appreciative one can feel if dining alone. Happiness, the state of bliss which permeates deeply within, pervading throughout every cell . Resonating with a sense of belonging, purpose & clarity. The simplicity of the greatest gifts life can give us . .. health & happiness .. if not always healthy at least be happy. Happiness seems to be very overlooked these days. Much pleasure seems to be found in retail therapy, in what we own, what we have, what we do as opposed to who we are. Christmas for me this year is all about discovering the best you can create within the life you are living, in the place your are residing at with the people or lack of people who grace your days. Having moved away from my 'home' many years ago. I have spend many Christmases wishing I was somewhere else, Christmases feeling very alone & missing my family very much. It takes a lot of years & maturity to let go of all which is no longer present, all which no longer serves us well in this very given moment. Years to realise celebrations commence within, gratitude for life, for love & all we have commences & ignites with every breath we take. So where ever you are in the world, who ever you share or do not share your December with. Draw a deep breath. . . feel the life & love of all within. Look up to the sky .. del all gaze at similar stars, we all walk upon this earth for a very brief moment in time - a blink of an eye - so there is no time to waste over what if's . Living this moment here in the now, knowing we have all we need within & choosing to bring light, love & all we can to any situation is grasping the moment & making it purposeful. Its about the detail, the small changes, the smiles, the generosity, the forgiveness, the kindness .. its about all we can give. . all we can bring . . Christmas time is about giving but not just presents . . give someone your love .. without ribbons & bows .. simply love them for all they are & who they are. Be kind, be loving, be generous with your warmth & caring.
May the gifts you bestow upon your loved ones truly be long lasting & far reaching - etched in their memories forever .. and creating a legacy to share in traditions with those yet to be born who in turn will also be touched by your loving kindness.

Thursday 30 June 2011

One Dream

Life, love, living & loving never cease to inspire. Often pondering the consciousness, the awakened Souls' journey and if it is so very different to one who isn't quite so awakened. There's always dark & light, day & night .. something about maintaining a balance. So the balance naturally needs all ingredients, without the darkness  perhaps we couldn't truly appreciate the light. Considering our journey from childhood to the Autumn years it strikes me how stamina & endurance are constant companions in us all for one reason or many others. Yet for some the journey seems a lot easier than for others. There are so many qualities over the years I've considered as such of these qualities: the ability to be Unconditional Love. .. simple but then many actually arent yet feeling the love. Then we disentangle other equally effective feelings & emotions. Concluding, amongst a myriad of complex emotions it's forgiveness that makes us who we are, what we feel & perhaps what we are to others.  Without forgiveness, we wouldn't necessarily even be here :) Perhaps our species would've annihilated itself in endless wars & retributions. Without forgiveness, perhaps there would be no history!!  Interestingly, I read somewhere that life without that hope, is like life without  art, because it read . . for every work of art is in some way an act of forgiveness.  Its an interesting concept & one I have often observed. The love shared, creating warmth, kindness, a sacred harbour offering safety & rest. As opposed to the feelings a person who can't forgive creates . . usually most damaging & harmful within themselves. The pain inside affecting every decision made towards another, fear of humiliation, fear of so many things. Holding on to something which should've served the evolution process & human nature well. To forgive, to let go of the past, to untangle the pain which anchors their  lives to a world they no longer belong, leaving it impossible to live fully in the moment.   Every act of love is in some way a promise to forgive.  This perhaps along with Maths & English somehow wouldn't it be great to teach our children the value of humility, the importance of humiliation & the empowering gift to forgive. The dream we live on, survive & evolve all because we can love . .  all because we love because we can forgive

Monday 20 June 2011

Mid Summer

Abundant Blessings to everyone .. Summer solstice celebrations.
The Sun now exerts its maximum power upon our part of the Earth as its rays strike us head-on. The time of full outward physical manifestation is here. The powers of inner contemplation are at their lowest point, and everywhere are the energies of doing, of exerting the will. May the exertion be of peace & of love with kindness & warmth to all.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Five decades

The insistence of time expansion, the persistence of moments forever evolving - changing - creating & ultimately becoming.  Hastily days tread into paths unknown. Yet there is something so familiar about uncertain progress, the magical process of transformation. There is something so sacred, so special about wisdom & knowledge gathered during the ageing process of man. When I look now at our friends faces - in comparison to their once youthful faces' - they've all matured, all aged so softly - so beautifully - their features somewhat far less sharp or defined. Their eyes, their very own gateway to their Soul, full of wisdom, pain, love & acceptance. The reflection which hosts many stories from long ago lives, many past dramas as well as unfurling memories present in the making. This ageing process reminded me of our youthfulness, what most understand as youthfulness. Usually dismissed when the body ages . Yet, its the one organ which really - truly - defines youthfulness & that is the organ we know as the Heart. It isn't so much its functioning, nor its health rather its the essence, its perception, its vision, its unwavering trust in life, its unconditional love which dwells within all its chambers. The Heart has the capacity & ability to define youthfulness. How much love can a Heart hold, how much love can a Heart share, how much love can it be. The capacity to Love - to feel desire - excitement - enthusiasm - gratitude - to share & give Love. Inexplicable chemistry, contagious joy, incomprehensible life force which maintains life itself. Forever changing, forever transcending - Love binds & brings, cares & creates. What is Love if not shared. My nearest & dearest is coming up to a milestone birthday, many peeps say its the big one, life begins at forty not sure what everyone says happens at fifty but there is one thing I am sure of & that is a lifetime of loving, being in love & sharing Love is just not long enough. The decades pass so quickly, we hold memories in the palm of our hands, the feelings tangible yet the moments long gone. I rarely visit the past nor the future, naturally maintaining my thoughts, my energy, my love & optimism fully conscious in the present moment. Yet when dates conspire to lure me into both past & present places I dwell, only for a wee while, in what might we - what is yet to come - what may have been and consequently wonder why youthfulness evades some whilst so noticeably visible in others. LOVE I concluded makes the difference - at any age - when Love transports you to some distant galaxy, as if on a magic carpet soaring high through the starry moonlit skies , making wishes on shooting stars & bathing in Loves dream of forever & ever that amazing feeling of youthfulness resides, the heart being the organ of perception beats its joyous rhythm for all to feel. Its contagiousness, its warmth its bringing of togetherness. I wonder just how many lives does our love touch - I don't think I can count to that many as of course we must then also count the legacy, the generations yet to come whose lives are influenced by the love their elders first felt & experienced  from our love. Fifty years of life, all passing in just a blink of an eye yet how I wish I could share the next fifty years of loving with my loved one. So whilst dwelling in the past & contemplating the future it really reinforced how much the present truly is a gift & how I need to maximise the potential outcome of each & every given blessed moment shared together. With every breath youthfulness must dwell to sprinkle its magical happiness & optimism to see the potential beauty in all things. 
Even though there aren't any members of my family who read this blog or even know about it, nor friends I would just like to share the energy of gratitude & love into the ether!! Soooo, For my husband, with much love on a very special Birthday. With honour & gratitude - with great joy - we celebrate not just the years gone by but the love we share, the life we create living & loving.  Together hand in hand .. .  til the mountains crumble to the sea . . 
Thank you for loving me the way you do, thank you for sharing your heart, your desire, your youthfulness & your wonderful quest to maintain life's happiness.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Why Wonder Why

 Blessed are those who give without remembering
and take without forgetting
There are many things I hold in great wonder and beauty. There are few things I wonder about; most things are accepted immediately as simply part of life's lessons, to explore the values of which ever learning path or curve tread upon. Such an enriching process from which we all evolve & become. Wonderment is always a constant companion, a great source of stimulation & pleasing contemplation. Sometimes to 'wonder why' about circumstance  is a most worthy opponent to the usual inner calm, internal peace, tranquility & trust. During such 'sometimes' the "wonder why" becomes "I wonder why I wonder", then naturally descending into  the realms of "I wonder why I wonder why" which ultimately leads to "wondering why I wonder why I wonder why I wonder"  You can see simply how wondering can take us furthest from the facts.  'Thinking' can cause all sorts of explorations - adventures into the corridors of the mind, passages of confusion, dimly lit avenues of reasoning. All kinds of minds varying kinds of reasoning. Further thinking  -which isn't always a good thing to do - concluding thoughts naturally form judgements, thoughts draw conclusions or thoughts may even take on board the influence of such thoughts depending upon the person from which they were first bore. Proving even when they're anothers thoughts somehow they can still become - infuse & flavour - part of your own.  Which gives birth to much more contemplation wondering then but who owns the thought, in whose cellular level will the emotion of the thoughts deposit themselves. Therefore one must  then ask oneself who does the problem then belong to.  Should you then consider the intention of the thoughts before they were shared before you own them.  All seems way too complicated for me. Wandering & wondering my way around the many corridors of many such pondering, intentions & subsequent action it struck me recently how little control people really have over their minds, their thoughts & actions depending upon their internal balance & eagle eyed vision. Wondering just how much of their Soul governs their way of being, or how much their ego controls their way of doing.  The intentions of actions - do they serve the greater good for all or simply for the self, serving a trait of narcissism. A craving for the approval & attention of others which drifts way beyond the realms of decency.  How far I wonder would you go to receive such acceptance and approval from those you love, those you don't particularly love, those you know, those you don't know at all. I wonder at the seduction, the needs & the sacrifices - the lengths such needs would wander to receive their adoration, How far would you go to fit in, to be needed to be part of & wanted.  To celebrate the values of such pleasures, the cost of such entwining . Would you sell your soul because your ego needs so much more & anyone's more is good enough or does some little inner voice of wisdom & conscience lead you back to authenticity & truth. Hauling you back from treading the long endless trek of self serving gratitude. To celebrate just how special you are, just how important you are - as if there's some contract formed with every exchange of expression or kindness.  The expectations of owning & of being owed something in return ..  if there is no return then hell hath no fury than the narcissists needs. 
Inadvertently I wandered into anothers wonders, I of course had many choices I could wonder too & become the product of needs, my needs & necessity. I could of course observe, feel the choices, understand the needs & draw conclusions that for the greater good we all at some point are influenced by our own needs more than others. My overwhelming moment wanting to exchange my opinions in the defence of another far less able. To explore why some folk intentionally tell lies, intentionally set out to cause hurt & pain - intentionally do things which cause a lot of people a lot of upset & destruction. All for their own selfish self serving needs & gain.  Perhaps in a survival situation, or circumstances beyond our control its instinctive to self serve but in general - all as one.  Always I guess our choices reflect our inner mechanics. Naturally, its so much easier to consider others make choices similar to our own. Maybe its because we have no comprehension to be any other way so we naturally assume most folk are similar in morals &  outlook. As if there's a common rule of thumb for all.  Perspectives are after all a reflection of all that surrounds us & a reflection perhaps of all within us.  This proves fascinating when you come up against the splintering of all which we assume keeps us together can be equal to all which keeps us apart. Love binds us together in many ways  it also, it seems,  restricts & restrain some. Rising insecurities, jealousy, control & fear. The counterparts of great love. 

For me, life remains most simple if all things, people attitudes & ways are considered in the court of love, the chambers of the unconditional love. The simplicity of bringing warmth & peace, simplicity of being a giver rather than a taker. To share unconditional love & all offerings without any expectation of rewards, acknowledgement or other. To simply want to bring harmony, to create peace, to bring light into any darkened situations. Instinctively, we don't have to wonder whether its right or wrong to help someone - its just an instinctive way of being.  So then, when there are ulterior motives, when the end gain isn't best for the person supposedly being helped assumptions are made, limitations are formed as liberties are taken. Either way, when one gives their time & help to another its is usually the help the recipient not inadvertently to please & help oneself.  Unless of course narcissism  is entrenched deeply within every single action & thought. When self is far greater than Soul ( my understanding is the Soul serves all) when approval is more significant then anonymity & humility. Much & many have made me wonder. so many things considered, many qualities of being contemplated. Loyalty, kindness & truth.  How far would you go to prove to another such qualities truly dwell within you, what would be the cost of such fierce competitiveness. I say competitiveness because if one was loyal, kind & true you would just be oneself, happy to be & do without any need to prove such worth & value. The acts of kindness in such cases many times are quite invisible to most except the recipient. Its when the ego of narcissism needs to feed its unquenchable hunger  
Often there can be so many details in this kind of play, the role of the taker, the role of the rescuer, the role of the teacher. The question being, do you help someone enough so they fully depend upon you - so you are constantly needed & maybe feel important or do you teach & help someone to be fully self sufficient & as happy as they can be in their circumstances.  
If you're sitting in bath full of grubby water - do you invite many more people to jump into the filth to make it worse or do you pull the plug so you can fill the bath with pure, clean running water. Then with a little care, planning & compliance all can benefit from the water even if all can't bathe at the same time.
After witnessing premeditated destruction of many good & wonderful long established relationships - when I was thinking I concluded - through the greed, insecurities & narcissism of others needs being greater than the ones of those who needed help - after many circles were travelled I quickly exited my mind, dived into the oceans of compassion, empathy & love dwelling deep within deciding to pray.
For those who need our prayers & love most - may their conscience awaken.  May they feel the error of their ways & know how to repair all damage.  May they find inner peace & contentment thus allowing others to be peaceful 7 content too. May they discover self approval & self awareness is enough when kindness is their guidance.  May they learn from their mistakes & move on.  May they find love , friendship & contentment in their lives.  Bless those who need blessings the most. Pray for all those reeling back in heartache & pain may you find the courage inside to Love those who hurt you most & learn much value from their lessons.
Remembering, we have all the information we need in every given moment if only we trust life, life's process & all sacred entwining.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Nature's Glory

Loving the Spring 
Living on top of a hill, never a moment rolls on by without some sense of awe & wonder. In all the years we've lived here , never have I witnessed the same view more than once. Every moment I am full of gratitude to be able to witness & become as one with the breathtaking beauty of nature. We've had a couple of days filled with glorious sunshine, the most amazing red sunsets & glorious sunrise. Yesterday the day started so beautifully,  the most amazingly powerful rays of sun breaking through the side of our hedge &  tree. It was so sunny & warm so much so we thought a trip to the coast would be great, after a long day of work & study we all decided it was perfect timing to take our little pup to the beach for her very first visit. There's something so nourishing about the warmth of the sun on our naked skin, the feel of the sea breeze on our bare faces, the feel of the sea water beneath our feet. We still were wearing light cardigans or pashmina's  but for evening time it really wasn't cold at all. Our daughter & her boyfriend snuggled together sitting on the sea wall watching the sun set, romantic & peaceful after a hard day with their noses in A level study books all day. We walked hand in hand towards the gentle ebb & flow of the disappearing tide.  The wet sea bed glistening lie a jewelled blanket. Soft warm hues illuminates the Soul as much as it does the shore. The puppy loved the sea, although as the tide was out & we were able to walk for quite a distance on the very wet sea bed, a little ahead of us in shallow waters lay a huge red buoy, bless she was very distracted by this buoy standing very upright, tail vertical & barking half heartedly at it, I say half heartedly as she was terrified of it! (Unfortunately the camera was still in the car, everyone thinking someone else had it without any of us confirming this.)  We giggled & laughed at her antics, she was running in & out of the water, then she followed what she thought was a lone bird, starting to canter after it. Much to her surprise & ours a whole flock of birds which were barely noticeable due to the lighting took to flight. I've never known her run so fast ..  how delightfully funny.  As the sun was setting the sky became illuminated, the horizon full of the most colourful magic and a wee dogs running towards it as fast as her little legs would carry her.  We had to whistle to bring her back before she was too far away. She returned & lay flat on the wet san, her little rear legs splayed outwards in the most cute way. She was exhausted. We all were still, just watching the sun disappear from our sight, I was thinking, knowing many other's on some distant shore would be, at the very same time, watching its equally colourful spectacular arrival  - how amazing.  A little bit of sunshine, a wondrous world & the phenomena of nature all combined bring the most perfect reminder there is much more to life than all the marketing companies in the world try to portray. A life of only natures goodness & natures store; the vegetables, fruits & flowers, the trees, plants, bushed & shrubs, the ocean, seas, rivers & babbling brooks .. its phenomenal seasons & a night sitting outside around the fire pit. I could quite happily live with all things natural, only from nature as my neighbour, entertainment & guide. Nature's Creative Glory.

Our Little Lady :)

Tuesday 5 April 2011


We've just had  the most lovely consequences with an unexpected visitor.  Bless, a dear lady who travelled quite a distance for some much needed  support, some expertise assistance to a tricky job she needed doing.  (not on herself I hasten to add but something which belongs to her) Knowing she had eventually found the right person & place to receive such guidance she sat waiting in our kitchen whilst the maestro himself looked at the lady's problem. The expert it deemed it was't an easy job, it was going to be quite a while,  suggesting perhaps I could make his customer comfortable whilst she waited.  So, as always I thought how best to make her comfortable . . trying to evaluate specifics . . ie was she warm enough, a tea or coffee drinker, books or newspaper reader,  a biscuit or a piece of cake.  After all I'd made the most delicious cake for Mothering Sunday & there was plenty left to share. The dear stranger sitting in my kitchen looked ever so nervous, very agitated & distressed. In my humble opinion, in much need of a temporary haven - a one of peace, empathy & comfort.  Perhaps the Victoria sponge would be a nice portion towards such comforts, after all love & healing can be sensed in so many different ways. Many many  totally unexpected & unorthodox ways.  Without a word spoken a soothing healing can be sensed if an arms is put around you to offer warmth & support. A touch of a hand, a gesture you're not alone etc. Like sharing a cuppa tea & a piece of cake & just sitting there, quiet & undemanding . . patiently listening.  Just as the Victoria sponge is made with love, tended to most carefully then when baked  lovely layers of filling - in this instance with raspberries & whipped cream - are tenderly spread. Considering energy pervades & permeates the host & recipient, who then becomes the host I find the love, the happiness oozing within every molecular ingredient extends from the lovingly made cake into the recipient. After an hour of warm care & indulgence, cake, tea & a warming hug. The lovely lady, who entered as a fragmented spirit left in a much happier state of being, the fragments becomes whole again, The nervous frayed energy becomes vibrant, smooth & strong.  Our alchemical prowess to maintain balance, equilibrium can always be seduced, ignited & invigorated by love, kindness & a little happiness. Our inherent knowledge knows how to prioritise, to be like a sponge to soak up positive nourishment.  Its most natural for our body, mind & Soul to feel harmony, to be in balance & at peace. Imbalance isn't a natural state of being.  It always brings me great joy & comfort to witness that no matter how great the problem, no matter how impossible the situation seems - always a little kindness goes a very long way. The problem may not be solved but the person feels a whole load better for sharing. I think we should all 'spread' a little happiness as easily as we would spread our jam & cream onto a cake :).  No ego, no fear of rejection, no fear of humiliation - just give freely love, warmth & time with all of our hearts  - give a little bit more than usual.  There are so many ways to create happiness in our world & the world of others, many many ways to bring happiness into our lives & theirs just because our paths cross. Most significantly the echoes of happiness last way beyond the moment in time shared, it becomes a memory in which we can often return, dive into & embrace like a long lost friend. We may forget the time, the place the circumstances but how that person made you feel - you will never forget!!  During gloomy grey days, a little sunshine lightens, brightens & opens up into a brand new  day. Its the same with happiness, to share & sprinkle such laughter & fun, love & joy seems paramount to our sense of cheerfulness. The elation, ecstasy, the raptures & bliss transports us physically & emotionally to a wonderful feeling of contentment.  I'm baking another cake knowing I have many more peeps crossing my threshold this week, I shall offer them all cake with their cuppa, just maybe it could act as a small delicate lifeline to normality in a world of chaos :) always throw out a lifeline, someone somewhere may just need it :)
spread a little jam & cream - share a little happiness 

Saturday 2 April 2011


The heart is an organ of perception. It must not be confused with a state of mind & all limitations. We are created from the union of two cells, we are born from Creative Love. We are thus LOVE in abundance. When we take responsibility for our part in the passionate, positive changes which transform our Universe within through Unconditional Loving we are indeed dauntless. To act as if every thing we do, every thought we make makes a difference. To accept we have all we need within, we have infinite power pervading every single cell, system & wholeness of our being. Thus if we already have the power, then I guess its having the courage we need to learn how to harness & utilise such power.  Moving through the shadows of fear, the integrity of inner truth. There is something so necessary about commitment, honour, integrity, inner calm, compassion, responsibility to the whole, humility, courage, joyous sense of wonder to all newness in every given moment. Being conscious. Often so many of us introduce ourselves as what we do, what our occupation is .. from this it seems we are then simultaneously recognised & popped into a little container with a label attached. From the second we enter the schooling system we are encouraged, one day to be something.  To have a grand career, wonderful prospects, fabulous qualifications to assist our goals in all our ambitions - all which are undoubtedly admirable traits.  Yet equally, I feel we should also recognise the genius of Soul within us. The inherent knowledge nature shares within us in every single moment of our creation. The amazing phenomena that is our mind, our body & Soul. The amazing phenomena of love, healing love & the power of kindness. How amazing if we could teach such perfect sense of balance between the intellect & the instinct - to utilise all as our greatest assets.  When children are taught the significance of life, of love & of community & kindness, honour & responsibility.
The honour code between neighbours, the boundaries between some common ground of what is right & what is wrong.  What is acceptable & what isn't acceptable. So many people lie & hurt each other, so many lie & hurt themselves. No sense of the miracle that is life, the truth os togetherness - seeing & feeling only of the struggles & obstacles between us.  At times I feel as if we're drowning in an enormous wave of mediocrity. trying to catch our breath & return to the shores of humanity & great intelligence that is creation, nature & community in such great natural surroundings. So many seem to be wandering the earth asleep, many finding recognition, excitement  & a sense of aliveness  belonging  in hollow characters of celebrity status & mass manufactured artificial flavourings.  Such transient attachments . When to stop to think of so many different ways our lives are being influenced I limit the field of my perception & all crumbles into a state of confusion - yet when I do & act from the Unconditional Soul within, I believe in a sense of togetherness, a sense of belonging far greater than our place in our families,  becoming love &  peace realising that to continue to share love & peace is of paramount importance to our Spiritual heritage. We must never doubt the power of love, the power or even the tiniest flicker of light even the smallest flame can bring. To all dauntless Souls. draw breath & know you are not alone. Shine your love & light - the world needs our truth, our sense of peace & endless bringers & givers of great love.

Friday 1 April 2011

Tis True Truth

Many years ago I was rambling, writing about trusting. Yesterday I mentioned responsibility - owning ones own actions & feelings. It got me thinking again about truths, how trusting is an important, constant companion when exploring truth & being true. Observing that 'trusting' is so easy when the going is good, its when the going gets tough that 'trusting'  falters, doubt quivers & faith is down on its knees gasping its last breath. Truth has always haunted my conscience, my every action & thought. I recall having the audacity to tell the truth as a child!! Much to the annoyance of others. Hence you learn to keep such observations quiet until you almost burst from containment. As whether you speak such truths or swallow & conceal such truths either way they're still sensed cellular level, a gut reaction or heart felt. One cant ignore a truth hurtling within, one can try but good luck to anyone who tries to defy their own truths. Insanity ensues aswell as chaos.  Chaos & insanity being equal in power as much the power of truth itself.  Especially when in the face of opposition, chaos & delusional deceptions. I guess looking back,  the difference between speaking truths being much easier than it was some, was the overwhelming feeling of peace sensed within. Harmony, a congruence between mind, body & Soul. Or maybe it was also the total lack of fear, no concerns of retribution or subsequent consequence & change. Trusting 'what was meant to be, would be'. Being accountable for my own feelings, thoughts & actions laced with an unwavering faith in my journey, me experiences & all lessons.  Its a way of being, an authentic path of knowing, recognising thine self & being true regardless of the chaos which ensues that journey . . and chaos does ensue the truth.  Yet its a freedom everyone should taste, to live comfortable with all decisions, to embrace changes, to actively, authentically play our part in the grand scheme of life. A sincerity from the heart. Feed our strengths to flourish, to bring harmony & a feeling of essential wholeness. Fuel the fears & illusions at our peril. The truth is always simple - best keep it that way :)

Thursday 31 March 2011

Sincere Prayers

Many years ago I attended the premiere of 'What The Bleep' in London'. A wonderful platform for Dr Emoto's work. I still have the dvd & his book. Its wonderful & awe inspiring. Whether you're a believer or a sceptic there is no harm to your beliefs just by putting together your palms in prayer for the greater goodness for all.  Love , hope, faith & even a fragile  belief in unity can often sustain us through many troubles & trauma's in life

To All People Around the World

Please send your prayers of love and gratitude
 to water at the nuclear plants in Fukushima, Japan!

By the massive earthquakes of Magnitude 9 

and surreal massive tsunamis, more than 10,000 people 
are still missing…even now… It has been 18 days already 
since the disaster happened. 
What makes it worse is that water at the reactors 
of Fukushima Nuclear Plants started to leak, 
and it’s contaminating the ocean, air and water molecule 
of surrounding areas.

Human wisdom has not been able to do much to 

solve the problem, but we are only trying to cool 
down the anger of radioactive materials 
in the reactors by discharging water to them.

Is there really nothing else to do?

I think there is. During over twenty year research of 

hado measuring and water crystal photographic 
technology, I have been witnessing 
that water can turn positive when it receives pure vibration 
of human prayer no matter how far away it is.
Energy formula of Albert Einstein, E=MC2 really 

means that 
Energy = number of people and the square of
 people’s consciousness.

Now is the time to understand the true meaning. 

Let us all join the prayer ceremony as fellow 
citizens of the planet earth.   I would like to ask all 
people, not just in Japan, but all around 
the world to please help us to find a way out 
the crisis of this planet!!
The prayer procedure is as follows.

Name of ceremony:
Let’s send our thoughts of love 
and gratitude to all water in the nuclear 
plants in Fukushima

Day and Time:
March 31st, 2011 (Thursday)
12:00 noon in each time zone

Please say the following phrase:

“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, 
we are sorry to make you suffer. 

Please forgive us.  
We thank you, and we love you.” 

Please say it aloud or in your mind. 
Repeat it three times as you put your hands 
together in a prayer position. 
Please offer your sincere prayer.

Thank you very much from my heart.

With love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Messenger of Water

Sunday 27 March 2011


We're enduring tough times, we're in the middle of a time in civilisation that has never been experienced before. We can cross continents to share land, homes, jobs & lives.  We can have communities  made up of many families from all over the world living as neighbours. We arrive in each others countries by land, sea, air & road. Aspirations of a better life, hopes & dreams of success & prosperity. Yet it seems the greatest distances still needing to be conquered is between human beings. Somewhere along the evolution process, we seem to have misplaced the 'values' of being a community, being part of a place - having pride & care for all those in surrounding neighbourhood. It seems a time of 'them & us' or maybe 'me & you' as opposed to 'all of us as one'. Not so much the 'have & have nots' but the "I'm entitled to & I'll work for it". It seems more &  more for some about what they want, as opposed to what they can give - what they're prepared to give. Perhaps its a society created through great intention, perhaps its a society born from dissolved values, morals, boundaries & respect. Knowing the difference between right & wrong, knowing what belongs to another doesn't belong to you is of paramount importance for a respectful honourable society. Maybe somewhere along such evolving growth & change honour towards our neighbours, respect towards each other & their belongings faded into insignificance as hunger, greed & ruthless ambition for material success took precedence.  
Observing the uprising that is taking place in many countries ruled by dictators , their fight for democracy, is a fight so worthy of taking.  Here we have violent protests, thuggery & destruction in some fight for  . . well I am actually unsure what they're fighting for.  We have naive graffiti sprayed over most beautiful buildings of such great heritage, ranting things like 'Tax the Rich'  'Smash down the Banks'. Banks, shops, statues, stores . .  anything that seems to be a symbol of wealth being targeted for destruction. What will such destruction achieve, what could it possibly do except cause more expense for tax payers, more segregation & more anxiety to all.  The clean up costs for instance!! The policing, the repairs. What will such disrespect & disregard for all those in & around such beautiful buildings prove? How many visitors & residents alike will be hurt in such mindless violence. How can destroying something belonging to another help us all through tough times?  Doesn't it say so much more about the emotional mentality of the protester than it does the changes which are in process.  A reflection of the consequential symptoms as opposed to the cause.  Groups of anarchists, can't really say protesters as to protest is to express something legally & non violently, non damaging  & non criminal. Yet splinter groups of anarchists with only their eyes visible, their faces hidden in scarves, balaclava's & hoods committing selfish mayhem causing widespread disruption  expense to all.  Huh remove the masks & let us all see who you are, show the courage of their convictions!! We, as a whole in this country,  regardless of our wealth, have such luxury & freedoms others in other countries could only dream of knowing. Freedom of choice, the joys, pleasure & luxury such choice can bring.  We have more than we need in so many respects. We welcome visitors from all over the world, a heritage to be proud of. We should be able to offer safety & security on our streets. Freedom to enjoy the sights or our beautiful country we have the freedom to enjoy & embrace. Yet for some it isn't - won't ever be - enough.  Their emotional comprehension of success in life, happiness & freedom are miles away from the reality as greed, entitlement, insecurity & selfishness tarnish all which was once great about the old English traditions, values, morales, common worth &  sense.  We're  all enduring tough times, we're in the middle of another crisis, we need all the love in the world to ease pain such transitional times cause.  We need great stamina, we need to help each other, we need to remember we're a great nation, with much to give to create a future for our children's children. A legacy worthy of inheriting. We've seen it all before, we've seen communities brought together through the blitz, the determination to maintain life & love as it was known. Together, united, a sense of belonging & honour. To find the potential, the opportunity in all difficult times. The greatest outcome for the greater good for all.    We need to share a vision for peace, for community, for families & friendship regardless of what material wealth we have. The true wealth for all lies within us, within our capacity to give, to share to bring hope & peace. A wealthy Soul. During such transformational transitional times, I pray for togetherness, may we remember we belong together. May we find the simple things bring great pleasure. May we know the simple things in life make all of the difference. May we teach the values which make great communities. May we share in kindness, live in love with hope & truth the vision for our future generations. For all they will inherit from our doings & beings. Perhaps its rather an old fashioned concept, but what happened to 'responsibility' to ourselves & to others?!. Think it was Churchill who said  "All great things are simple, many can be expressed in a single word; Freedom, Justice, Honour, Duty, Mercy & Hope "

Wednesday 23 March 2011


We have friends from a few hundred miles away - they're from upd North  - staying here with us down South. Usually I'm the one who stays in their home, I'm the one visiting North to see the family, to catch up with friends when I'm there. During the many many moons which have passed since I moved away it isn't often peeps travel down South.  Not sure if its just my lot, or its the general case. You move away from your family home & its as if you've disappeared out of their lives for good. Of course theres always the intention, "Oooh we must come down to see you this year" .. of course it just never happens. Perhaps its because their lives are exactly the same, same home, same friends, same work, same rituals & routines .. . everything the same except one little person is no longer part of it.  Yet the person who moves away everything is very different - there are no friends, no family, no routines & rituals there is absolutely nothing familiar at all. Even the road signs are full of places never heard of before. Paradoxically its as emotionally difficult as it is awesome & inspirational.  I used to grieve for my life, my family & friends & all things familiar. Used to miss them dreadfully & never felt whole or part of the whole. At times I didnt know where I belonged, I'd feel like an alien here down South yet after months & months of wanting to return North, just to see everyone, I'd go back only to feel I don't belong there either. Such an abundance of emotions, such a challenge to break free from old restraints, full of expectations which could never be fulfilled. Up North, I was surrounded by family & friends, forever people entwined daily into each others lives. Always popping in, always doing things, always sharing & chatting about their lives. Support, always support & kindness. Not the kind of support people come & give when you're ill but the daily kind of invisible support system which is just present because you all live so close to each other & you're always there for each other without even thinking about it. The habits of being part of the whole family & all it entails is entrenched from the cradle to the grave. The family mindset, the unspoken tribes' rules, the way all seem to like each other because they're all one of the same.  Maybe its the tribal mind as opposed to an independent one? Regardless of who we are or what we do, how we behave or don't - its family & through thick or thin, always look after each other. The children have babysitters, the Mum's of all families share the load, support each other, bring the children together & will have coffee & cake together whilst putting the world to right. They all go swimming together, visit theme parks, day at the beach. . . just usual every day stuff . . picnics in the local park. Not a hint of hesitation present when asked or invited to go out anywhere, knowing full well there's a  dozen or so people who can take care of the children. The children consequently are used to lots of support, lots of fun with many different quirky people & personalities. Its all good & healthy.  Life continues just the same, generations after generation, all live in & around the same village, they all know each other & knew their Mothers before them etc. Always Birthdays are celebrated together, Christmases, easter . . any celebration is rejoiced  together!! The old saying it takes a village to raise a child rings true. As the input from all those surrounding such familiarity does have a stabling influence, does create a sense of belonging & security. Of course its very different for the one who got away . . very different for the one who raises the child alone. But, thats a very different story perhaps another day. Today, as I always do, have learnt its the only way, is in this moment - right here - right now I make the best of any situation. Yesterday, and now today I have an extra broad smile, a warmer glow within my heart, a extra sense of contentment simply because, for a few moments in time . . I can feel such pleasures, such security, such joy & feel the benefits of such simple pleasures in life so many take for granted. Waking up & seeing a friend in your home, sitting at the dinner table & having friends walk in & chat about their day & lives. Having friends say words rarely heard ever  "Oh, I'll just pop the kettle on, or that looks nice have you just made that cake today, or let me  help,  can I help you with that"  Always our familiar daily things are never seen by others. So much of our life not shared or seen by my family & Northern friends.
Yet for all those still in the bosom of family life the simplicity of togetherness is so natural & normal. So much so never noticing all the significant ways & things which mould a family together, a life full with networks of instant support systems, an invisible thread which bind them together without any effort whatsoever just because theyre together anyway. Hmmm, but for someone like me, who decides to move away from all of the family & life as we knew it, from all that was familiar normality was never the same again.  To someone who moves away, has no family there is no luxuries of such support systems.  Someone who has never had babysitters, never enjoyed or known  that instant network of family support systems to hand, the simplicity of sharing & caring are something of a rarity & like most things rare . . they are most precious & cherished.  Its such a simple normality to many, but to me to have friends staying with me, in our home, making cups of coffee & yakkering about their lives is simply wonderful & although I have a gorgeous family, wonderful friends its usually always me who travels North to see them.  For the next few days we're all indulging in such simple pleasures, such awesome simplicity of togetherness. Its human Nature to be subconsciously an integral part, to feel being part of the whole  as opposed to independent . .  just like the stunning Spring  blossom  .. unique & independently lovely singularly but when admired as part of the whole tree - awesome :)

Saturday 19 March 2011

Human Nature

On March 19th, a rare & beautiful Moon will rise in the East at Sunset. Rare because of its size, its called a 'perigee moon' its a super doopha huge moon in other words. the biggest in 18 years. The last full moon which was as big & so close to the earth last occurred in march 1993.. which actually was the year our daughter was born. Full moons vary in size because of the oval shape of the moon's orbit. It is an ellipse, with one side - perigee - about 50,000km closer to the earth than the other side - apogee- thus the nearby perigee moons are about 14% bigger & a whopping 30% brighter (even last nights moon was amazingly bright, so much so I thought I'd left a downstairs light on as our lawn was sooo illuminated) than the lesser moons that occur on the apogee side of the moons orbit.
I noticed the moon late evening & tried to capture her beauty before her ascent in the night sky.

This full moon occurs less than one hour away from perigee/a near perfect coincidence. The lunar gravity bringing full extra high perigean tides. We also have the Spring Equinox, on March 20th, the face of Spring when again we celebrate our eternal bond with Nature, with all which links man with whatever else exists. The equal balance between dark & light, our sacred air, linking the world between Nature & man - our breath, our hearts - the breath of life within us all. Timeless & immaterial as we connect to the forces of Nature. Utilising energy to exceed ones own limits, as Nature knows immortality, the infinite, the achievement and eternal wisdom. Through Nature we can discover, or rediscover, our own interior  resources & cycles which best support our creative capacity. Spring Equinox a time of great celebrations when Nature again is a mirror, a reflection of all worlds together,  we have the potential to discover our deepest essence of being. Perhaps  as we grow & expand in consciousness,  time for transformation & change. a time when the world need love, healing, compassion & unity. Perhaps, considering the recent traumas. disasters,  forces of nature & the human forces of power. A time to reevaluate true power & its full potentials!! We have tsunami devastation triggered by an earth quake & oddly the nuclear disaster (man created) threatens to do more damage than both natural ones put together. What irony!! We have the destruction of human force & misguided power .  We must find compassion, compassionate in the face of such threats . . as countries search for democracy. Perhaps we should all reassess our understanding of 'power' & try arming ourselves with great hugs, unbridled kindness & love towards all.  Harmony as one. Just as nature intended. Think we should all make a wish  :) 

Unfortunately, due to being very tired, or perhaps lazy, I didnt go out to take photographs of the super moon where I know, because of the horizon, river, bridge positioning etc, it would've looked enormous.
Timing, is of paramount importance & I missed out on the slot. so the photographs are really showing the brilliance. Still awesome :)

Thursday 17 March 2011

The Miracle of Love

 3.57am, on the 17th March 1993 - with every breath, great enduring stamina, pain then stillness then pain & ultimately celebrations you entered our physical world. Still bathed in your womb waters you entered the birthing waters with much gusto & speed. A tornado of energy bursting to life from the deep , unknown to me, chambers within me. Your place of maturation, your sacred harbour, your place for evolving growth & safety, a bed of nourishment & protection for 9 months within me you did dwell. (Well it should've been 9 months but you decided to come 3 weeks early!!) At 3.57am your independent life commenced.  Miracle of Love. The most beautiful tiny little face, perfect as if painted by an artist . . not a crease, mark, bruise or wrinkled prune like complexion . .  your little face was as serene as an angel sleeping. Beautiful skin, button nose & cupid bow mouth. Looking as if you'd just been dropped into our life from the heavens above. No sign of the traumas of your birth. Swaddled in a little new borns tiny birthing blanket they handed you  to me.  Not a sound, nor cry or whimpering came out of your mouth. Just a tiny little breath of life - moving your chest as you gently peacefully inhaled & exhaled - was the only indication of life.  As I held you for the very first time, a tiny 6lb 10oz beautiful little sweet baby girl my heart, my Soul & my whole life as I knew it dissolved into infinite maternal love. As I held your tiny perfect long fingers I knew you would hold my heart forever as I would hold your hand forever, by your side with love I would always be. Your eyes opened when we were left alone to rest in the birthing lounge. Your eyes bright, curious & peaceful you looked straight into ours and when Daddy had to go home to go straight to work . You slept in a tiny fish tank like crib. I watched you all night long, all morning long til I could no longer keep my eyes open, You slept so peacefully, cradled & wrapped totally in a wee cream cotton  blanket. Awesome. Wrapped around like  you were nesting within your own little cocoon. Your little face never moving, your expression of peace made me smile. I couldn't take my eyes of you.. what wonderment, what miracles.  After just a few hours, just watching you, loving you, feeding you, holding you, bathing you & kissing you I telephoned my Mam from the hospital phone really worried as you still had not yet made a sound, not a cry I had not heard your little noises which would yet become your voice. My Mam, being 320 miles away, just laughed & said "she will cry, you'll hear her soon" Of course she was right, you did have a voice, you did cry occasionally but we were sooo lucky you were a very very content baby, no gripe, no colic  etc. You were always sooo easy to Love. The baby toddled, then ran everywhere, skipped & hopped ..  rode little tricycles & bicycles. Played with bees & ants thinking they were lovely.  Sang songs in the public conveniences when we both needed to use them, sang so I could hear you were safe, sang in the bath ..  sang in the car ..  sang just about everywhere. Think you should've been born with a book in your hand too.. we read & read, wrote many stories, drew a huge picture of Little Nutbrown Hare for your Nursery wall because you loved the story sooo much. "Guess How Much I Love You" your favourite book of all time & still today it sits on your bookshelf. Over many years, with metaphor & symbolism we've tried to guide you, teach you, support you will all things in all walks of life. Tried to allow you to develop all the tools & skills needed for navigating your way through life's chopping waters. I used to smile & say to you that you're gathering feathers,  with every experience you gain a feather or two, explaining soon you would have enough feathers, which would become your wings of life. For you to travel with ..  every feather full of experiences, wisdom & knowledge - that when learning to fly . . you'd also have some bumpy landings & all your feathers would fall out :) But, that you'd always have a toolbox too - which can put everything back together  .. feathers too ..  that with every experience, happy or sad,  you get a great lovely new tool to pop into your tool box - so when next needed you have all of life's tools & know which way best to use them :) We've tried to stand on the sidelines yet motivate you to be believe in yourself, your dreams & hold them always close to your heart. To listen to your internal guidance at all times. We've watched you blossom from toddler to a beautiful little girl, from girl to teen. Watched you learning, adapting & evolving from your little life's lessons, all so you know & feel responsibility & consequences. Thus knowing deep down inside you have all the answers you need,  you can rely upon your own judgement, know your own needs, feelings & dreams. We've watched you grow into the most beautiful young lady. Our daughter, my baby girl - on this day . . your 18th Birthday - may you forever be safe, forever be healthy & happy. Darling daughter keep shining your goodness, sharing your gorgeous giggles & laughter, your sense of justice, sense of fun, your love & light, your purity, integrity & truth - dearest Soul .. enjoy each & every moment of life & to thine self always be true.

Darling Beauoootiful Soul, Darling Daughter I Love You - We Love You.
Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter, thank you for gracing our lives.
 For being such a lovely dear kind & special Soul. We're so proud of You

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Soul Harmony

"The Lover knows much more about absolute truth, 
goodness and Universal beauty
than any theologian or logician ever can"
George Santayana
Sometimes its good to enquire  "What is the difference between consciousness & awareness" Sometimes its good to question "Is there a place in our education system for a Child's Inner Knowledge, using a language & practice of being which is about understanding the 'Soul' as an inherent guide.Seeker of Wisdom. Sometimes is it good to know the best teacher or better to understand the 'transformational experiences' from within. Maybe there are no greater teachers, no external workshops, techniques or therapists who can give you the answers as true as oneself. when searching for answers - the answer - to all profound questions we contemplate re  meaning & life . . especially when really we have all the answers... just maybe all we need is within, I mean how can we become .. what we already are!!

Monday 14 March 2011

Heavenly Storyteller

Living here upon the hill has so many mystical qualities, such grand perspectives & the best front row seat watching  - admiring - the skies & all  ethereal  activities. As an avid cloud watcher every day is an exquisite entwining with the divine. As soon as I open my eyes the first thing I see is the heavens, whether the winds are coming from the North East, South East, Westerly Winds etc The colours of the sky infiltrate our room. Each & every morning all of our rooms have this heavenly beautiful view. Since our daughter was a baby, we have lain on the beds in either rooms snuggled together watching the sky - cloud watching - and as the most stunning clouds would roll on by we would read the pictures.  I would create stories about the shapes, we would search for animals in each cloud formation, giggle with laughter if we both spot the same animal at the same time. We've spotted some amazing, funny & such accurate replica's :) although not on such a small scale.
It also seems at times you can read the cloud formations as much more than just the weather forecast, sometimes you can see a lifetime of cultures in clouds,  a generation of Soul' s transportation, its hypnotising to watch & eerily all unveiled once your eyes adapt is astounding, how clear faces are & shapes of bodies, animals etc all portraying - retelling or predicting - a story.
 Since our Earth has moved 25cms due to the recent Earth quake in Japan, it already feels & looks as if we're at a different angle. The clouds seems slightly more above & across - just as the mon appears different when abroad in Asia. Tis true although will sound insane, as apparently we wont even notice this 25cm affect for centuries yet . . here this morning it does feel & look different . . as does every day, month & Season . Naturally watching the sky daily you become accustomed to the way it should appear . . just like the trees . . you notice which way the winds blowing, when the branches have a polka dot veil, as they come into bud & ultimately blossom.  You would immediately notice if the buds emerged a different way . Well, the angle feels a different way but thats not my main focus . I am really just wanting to share the celebrations of the cloud formations. As to watch in awe to see if the skies reflect all of the stories of our world, the changing formations & pictures the heavenly storyteller sharing Universal news of what has been & all yet to come. I only wish I had our ancestors understanding of cloud formations to utilise as metaphor & knowledge.

Here's just a tiny portion of some of our amazing clouds, so many times I haven't had my camera to hand & within seconds the formations change ..  here are some I've been lucky enough to capture & keep. First is my God Man, he is absolutely gorgeous!! When I took this photo I was trying to capture the most vibrant illuminating sunset & stunning cloud formation. Only as I was transferring the photographs from the camera to the computer did I notice - meet - this absolutely beautiful masculine, God like face looking straight back at me. His presence & power somehow felt as if he filled me with such comfort & strength.

Another day, I was enjoying the glorious sunshine one Summer, reclined on our sunbeds I glanced up at the sky behind our house to see this stunning Dove of Peace just sitting there ... after a frantic dash into the house to retrieve our camera I captured the dove, although it wasn't as perfect as it had been a few seconds earlier  but still stunningly beautiful. The following are just every day skies, none the less awesome & inspiring.

The same day there were so many unusual formations, angles I've never seen before nor since. Infact never is a cloud formation exactly the same ever, maybe similar but never the same. Its so fascinating .. always always something to watch & read.

Unfortunately a lot of photies are spontaneously taken, from indoors, often through an unopened or opened window. Using a wee little digital camera, perhaps its time to venture into photography with more investment in my equipment ha ha. To become a lot more knowledgable with cameras & how to get the best from them as we enjoy, share & have such stunning skies yet I have not got the ability or know how to capture them at their greatest. Still, at least I can still absorb & energy the energy of the heavens even if I can't capture them fully with photographs :) Still I can read the stories & interpret the messages :).  Night sky, day sky -  absolutely awesome, forever changing canopy of natural beauty.