Friday 1 April 2011

Tis True Truth

Many years ago I was rambling, writing about trusting. Yesterday I mentioned responsibility - owning ones own actions & feelings. It got me thinking again about truths, how trusting is an important, constant companion when exploring truth & being true. Observing that 'trusting' is so easy when the going is good, its when the going gets tough that 'trusting'  falters, doubt quivers & faith is down on its knees gasping its last breath. Truth has always haunted my conscience, my every action & thought. I recall having the audacity to tell the truth as a child!! Much to the annoyance of others. Hence you learn to keep such observations quiet until you almost burst from containment. As whether you speak such truths or swallow & conceal such truths either way they're still sensed cellular level, a gut reaction or heart felt. One cant ignore a truth hurtling within, one can try but good luck to anyone who tries to defy their own truths. Insanity ensues aswell as chaos.  Chaos & insanity being equal in power as much the power of truth itself.  Especially when in the face of opposition, chaos & delusional deceptions. I guess looking back,  the difference between speaking truths being much easier than it was some, was the overwhelming feeling of peace sensed within. Harmony, a congruence between mind, body & Soul. Or maybe it was also the total lack of fear, no concerns of retribution or subsequent consequence & change. Trusting 'what was meant to be, would be'. Being accountable for my own feelings, thoughts & actions laced with an unwavering faith in my journey, me experiences & all lessons.  Its a way of being, an authentic path of knowing, recognising thine self & being true regardless of the chaos which ensues that journey . . and chaos does ensue the truth.  Yet its a freedom everyone should taste, to live comfortable with all decisions, to embrace changes, to actively, authentically play our part in the grand scheme of life. A sincerity from the heart. Feed our strengths to flourish, to bring harmony & a feeling of essential wholeness. Fuel the fears & illusions at our peril. The truth is always simple - best keep it that way :)

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Wishes for your day - good health, wealth of Soul with a heart full of love & laughter xXx