Sunday 7 November 2010


At the crack of dawn we're walking amongst the almost frost like heavy dew. Dawn kissed jewels sparkling. Forging a wonderful swirl of patterns with each & every step we take, weaving trails through the otherwise unspoilt blanket of moist morning perfection.  The black leaves changing slowly to their true magnificent colours of Autumn. Embracing & being part of such gentle ambient light,  I too am awakening slowly, its such a nourishing peacefully beautiful start to the day. A trace of last nights fireworks very slightly still clings to the air - only just mind you in comparison to yesterdays all encompassing bonfire & fireworks fragrance. This morning, mostly my sense of smell became distracted by a wonderful sense of feeling, a sense of being as the frosty, bitingly  cold air wrapped & clung to my warm cheeks. So much so it made me smile, how  wonderful to feel such cold yet be so snug & warm from the inside out. How amazing our bodies are in regulating our temperature.  As I walked and puppy played I was contemplating the inner & outer harmony, somehow which drifted into the love of friendships which spilled into families & onto neighbours exploding into contemplation; communities, counties & countries. My observations were very simple,  yet thinking about the consequences of implementing such simplicity into daily lives everywhere actually could be quite significant. so I shall share this thought & maybe actions of trials & tests will proceed.
I was thinking how important it is to give (as opposed to receive)- to bring (as opposed to taking) .. .  It is in all that you give, all that you bring to any exchange/relationship - in kindness with love - which makes all the difference.  During many conversations, I've noticed so many discuss, seeming only  to notice all that is received or moan about what is not received, all that can be taken from any situation or relationship. Ah, that delicious word again 'Expectations'.   Yet, how wonderful if, with love, we could all detach wholly from all expectations! Live our days just to 'Give with all of our hearts the kindness and compassion to any & every relationship without ever the need to receive'.  I wonder how different many relationships would be, curiously I then wonder how many hearts would heal just by the simple acts of giving - sharing & showing kindness - when our breath & time is used only to bring light. All changes externally triggered from within. What a beautiful thought - taking it a step further -  how during our educational years - if we can teach our children the value of doing & being as opposed to self serving wanting & expecting what a glorious vision towards to the feeling of communities 'belonging' together,  how beautifully all would be created.
Then all wishful thinking reminded me of the lovely song John Mellencamp wrote & I thought today, maybe is a day for many such dreams as we tread through the heavy dews of November, carving our path throughout humanity in our own little corner of the world.  Make a difference, give wholeheartedly, share compassionately in every exchange 'be the difference', to bring light & transformation simply with all we are, all we can be & all we bring. With Love xXx 

Save Some Time To Dream
Save some time to dream
Save some time for yourself
Don’t let your time slip away
Or be stolen by somebody else
Save some time for those you love
For they’ll remember what you gave
Save some time for the songs you sing
And the music that you’ve made
Could it be that this is all there is?
Could it be there’s nothing more at all?
Save some time to dream
‘Cause your dream could save us all
Save some time for sorrow
Cause it will surely come your way
Prepare yourself for failure
It will give you strength some day
Try to keep your mind open
And accept your mistakes
Save some time for living
And always question your faith
Could it be that this is all there is?
Could it be there’s nothing more at all?
Save some time to dream
‘Cause your dream might save us all
Cast your eyes up to heaven
Oh what does that mean to you
Try not to be too judgmental
So others will not judge you
Save some time to think
Oh before you speak your mind
Many will not understand
And to them you must to be kind
Could it be that this is all there is?
Could it be there’s nothing more at all?
Save some time to dream
‘Cause your dream might save us all
Oh yeah
Your dream might save us all

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For your time, your thoughts & expression - Thankyou.
Wishes for your day - good health, wealth of Soul with a heart full of love & laughter xXx