Thus in times of need & doubt it seems perfectly sensible to now maximise the benefits of Spring. A wondrous well of motivational energy, to drink from its eternal flows of life, to dip into & bathe when necessary. Through sharing the needs within this writing the union will bring forth the authenticity of such fusion, the marriage of needs in order to survive & create. The ether will hear the call, the healing will commence & the wisdom will bring its teaching to life, animation & synchronicity again will fill my days with wonderment & awe.
Recently, witnessing death, divorce, decay & dementia my usual positive demeanour started to slide down a slippery slope into disillusion, doubt, hopelessness, querying the transitional transformations occurring & my broad perspectives usually applied. Perhaps its natural to question faith, to challenge beliefs when there's an onslaught of overwhelming toil & troubles. To question the true depths of love from those around. The dawning that maybe life isn't truly as it could be. The reality that many things are changing, many things need changing & much has changed beyond recognition.
The wondrous beauty about questioning such deep beliefs is the uprising & reminder of all one has to sustain & support. A blessing & reminder of the loyal & loving ally we all have within. Our authenticity, our uniqueness - our Souls' purpose & privilege. The emergence of strength, the confirmation that 'all' is as its meant to be - a stark reminder that its too easy to drift through the corridors of the mind, to analyse the challenges, the changing face of society & communities, the uprising & fears we all face emotionally, financially & spiritually. Of course what happens to all happens to one, what happens to one happens to all in one way or another. No such thing as an observer. So my feelings aren't isolated, I am not alone in my fears & doubts.
With all benefits to hand, with all freedom we have to enjoy & share. With all the support I can muster from Nature's truths; April showers will become most cleansing & nutritious. The unfurling buds rousing into blossom, their fragrance divine, the delicate & stunning structure enduring the cold easterly winds to survive will become a guiding light & beacon of hope. The relentless labours of the long hard Winter & Spring soon to be delicious juicy fruits ready to ripen & pick. All of these truths must be embraced close to my heart, its time after my long Winter of isolation & in darkness to feel the warmth & light of change. To unravel, unfurl & unwind to become free flowing once again. To feel inspired by life's great mysteries. To rise to all challenges, to explore the unexplored, the do all things which fill me with dread, to face new & daunting roads with excitement for all that is yet to become. To let go of all which no longer serves the Souls' quest, to follow new truths with fearlessness & hope. Never to look longingly back. To give life its opportunity to share its joys within the spontaneous mysteries of the unexpected as opposed to clinging hard to outdated expectations & conditionings.
Welcome Spring, welcome change, welcome growth, renewal & vitality. Welcome all within my heart, please stay awhile. Welcome within my life all newness which is needed, all renewal & growth. Welcome love, bringer of laughter & of transformation. Welcome all growth & change within each & every cell within me.
Each & every day I must find the newness, the thrills, the sense of belonging. Welcome the thrill of doing unfamiliar tasks, welcome he challenges of being & becoming beyond the past & all limitations..
Welcome the synchronicity of Nature's gifts, welcome Spring & thank you for supporting this opportunity to discover life, love & all yet to become.
Gateways to elsewhere. Paths & processes commence yet no outcomes yet are known. Walkways lined with optimism, supported by trust, with vibrant creative energy for all to believe. Similar routes travelled by many of our ancestors, lessons learnt, wisdom shared - legacies yet to remain. All things come to pass. The circle of life, of love & as one we journey together. Mind, Body & Soul - once consciousness - one whole. All things come to pass but whilst in the moment - its time to be productive, content, creative & true. To be love, bring love & share the joys of love & life.