Thursday, 30 June 2011

One Dream

Life, love, living & loving never cease to inspire. Often pondering the consciousness, the awakened Souls' journey and if it is so very different to one who isn't quite so awakened. There's always dark & light, day & night .. something about maintaining a balance. So the balance naturally needs all ingredients, without the darkness  perhaps we couldn't truly appreciate the light. Considering our journey from childhood to the Autumn years it strikes me how stamina & endurance are constant companions in us all for one reason or many others. Yet for some the journey seems a lot easier than for others. There are so many qualities over the years I've considered as such of these qualities: the ability to be Unconditional Love. .. simple but then many actually arent yet feeling the love. Then we disentangle other equally effective feelings & emotions. Concluding, amongst a myriad of complex emotions it's forgiveness that makes us who we are, what we feel & perhaps what we are to others.  Without forgiveness, we wouldn't necessarily even be here :) Perhaps our species would've annihilated itself in endless wars & retributions. Without forgiveness, perhaps there would be no history!!  Interestingly, I read somewhere that life without that hope, is like life without  art, because it read . . for every work of art is in some way an act of forgiveness.  Its an interesting concept & one I have often observed. The love shared, creating warmth, kindness, a sacred harbour offering safety & rest. As opposed to the feelings a person who can't forgive creates . . usually most damaging & harmful within themselves. The pain inside affecting every decision made towards another, fear of humiliation, fear of so many things. Holding on to something which should've served the evolution process & human nature well. To forgive, to let go of the past, to untangle the pain which anchors their  lives to a world they no longer belong, leaving it impossible to live fully in the moment.   Every act of love is in some way a promise to forgive.  This perhaps along with Maths & English somehow wouldn't it be great to teach our children the value of humility, the importance of humiliation & the empowering gift to forgive. The dream we live on, survive & evolve all because we can love . .  all because we love because we can forgive

Monday, 20 June 2011

Mid Summer

Abundant Blessings to everyone .. Summer solstice celebrations.
The Sun now exerts its maximum power upon our part of the Earth as its rays strike us head-on. The time of full outward physical manifestation is here. The powers of inner contemplation are at their lowest point, and everywhere are the energies of doing, of exerting the will. May the exertion be of peace & of love with kindness & warmth to all.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Five decades

The insistence of time expansion, the persistence of moments forever evolving - changing - creating & ultimately becoming.  Hastily days tread into paths unknown. Yet there is something so familiar about uncertain progress, the magical process of transformation. There is something so sacred, so special about wisdom & knowledge gathered during the ageing process of man. When I look now at our friends faces - in comparison to their once youthful faces' - they've all matured, all aged so softly - so beautifully - their features somewhat far less sharp or defined. Their eyes, their very own gateway to their Soul, full of wisdom, pain, love & acceptance. The reflection which hosts many stories from long ago lives, many past dramas as well as unfurling memories present in the making. This ageing process reminded me of our youthfulness, what most understand as youthfulness. Usually dismissed when the body ages . Yet, its the one organ which really - truly - defines youthfulness & that is the organ we know as the Heart. It isn't so much its functioning, nor its health rather its the essence, its perception, its vision, its unwavering trust in life, its unconditional love which dwells within all its chambers. The Heart has the capacity & ability to define youthfulness. How much love can a Heart hold, how much love can a Heart share, how much love can it be. The capacity to Love - to feel desire - excitement - enthusiasm - gratitude - to share & give Love. Inexplicable chemistry, contagious joy, incomprehensible life force which maintains life itself. Forever changing, forever transcending - Love binds & brings, cares & creates. What is Love if not shared. My nearest & dearest is coming up to a milestone birthday, many peeps say its the big one, life begins at forty not sure what everyone says happens at fifty but there is one thing I am sure of & that is a lifetime of loving, being in love & sharing Love is just not long enough. The decades pass so quickly, we hold memories in the palm of our hands, the feelings tangible yet the moments long gone. I rarely visit the past nor the future, naturally maintaining my thoughts, my energy, my love & optimism fully conscious in the present moment. Yet when dates conspire to lure me into both past & present places I dwell, only for a wee while, in what might we - what is yet to come - what may have been and consequently wonder why youthfulness evades some whilst so noticeably visible in others. LOVE I concluded makes the difference - at any age - when Love transports you to some distant galaxy, as if on a magic carpet soaring high through the starry moonlit skies , making wishes on shooting stars & bathing in Loves dream of forever & ever that amazing feeling of youthfulness resides, the heart being the organ of perception beats its joyous rhythm for all to feel. Its contagiousness, its warmth its bringing of togetherness. I wonder just how many lives does our love touch - I don't think I can count to that many as of course we must then also count the legacy, the generations yet to come whose lives are influenced by the love their elders first felt & experienced  from our love. Fifty years of life, all passing in just a blink of an eye yet how I wish I could share the next fifty years of loving with my loved one. So whilst dwelling in the past & contemplating the future it really reinforced how much the present truly is a gift & how I need to maximise the potential outcome of each & every given blessed moment shared together. With every breath youthfulness must dwell to sprinkle its magical happiness & optimism to see the potential beauty in all things. 
Even though there aren't any members of my family who read this blog or even know about it, nor friends I would just like to share the energy of gratitude & love into the ether!! Soooo, For my husband, with much love on a very special Birthday. With honour & gratitude - with great joy - we celebrate not just the years gone by but the love we share, the life we create living & loving.  Together hand in hand .. .  til the mountains crumble to the sea . . 
Thank you for loving me the way you do, thank you for sharing your heart, your desire, your youthfulness & your wonderful quest to maintain life's happiness.