Timelines, time .. the indefinite continuity of existence, progress of past, present & future events, life with meaning & reason. Often time is so elusive, our emotions timeless, typically by the time we're ready for tomorrow its become today & we're chasing time with many hopes, expectations & deadlines. The all exclusive be fully conscious in the moment prerequisite or miss the opportunities. Soon, our dear dear Daughter will be 18 years old. Her time at the moment, filled with many treatise to study, endless questions filled with flavours of uncertainties, doubt & paradoxically necessities. So much to consider, so much to do, so many dreams to commence .. yet all only if she gets the required grades. Then, when all done & exam success is hers she's off to the Uni of her choice. If she doesn't get the grades she needs, well I guess it'll take her a while to accept destiny plays its hand when necessary. Yet for all significance of such time, tis merely a prologue, a wee foreword, a little preface - a prelude to all yet to discover & become. It must feel as if her whole future lies in the next few months. Yes education is vital, rewarding & does open far easier many doors into the business world, a direct path into a commercial world of opportunities. Tis wonderful to have such grand, varied & vast academic qualifications but it is also equally as valuable to be qualified to serve your own Life's purpose well, to trust in all inherent knowledge & wisdom already present within. To have emotional intelligence & a great, profound comprehension of the Language of Life & its symbolic meanings. How we can interpret any experience as a beneficial gift to expand & raise our consciousness. If one can comprehend such vital knowledge then the journey of life is so much richer for the wealth of knowing good & bad happens, its what we do with such opportunities which bring great unwavering versatility & joy to our lives. To trust wholly our gut instinct & to act upon its guidance, even against all logical reasoning & all others' opinions which may disagree. To know the power of kindness & unconditional Love.
Just as when she was a tiny toddler, she took her first little steps into the wonderful world of walking & exploring, now as a teenager, in her urban trendy UGG's, she takes her first steps into the precarious world of adulthood. As she strides confidently towards her purpose & destiny I wish her all the love, luck & stamina in the world. Each & every step of her way accompanied by courage, truth, grace, hope, happiness & optimism as her steadfast companions. As no doubt she will have many sunlit valleys to tread, many up hill treks to endure, sometimes may even feel as if she's walking through treacle or wading through deep waters. Her journey, the paths of her life will need such steadfast companions within. Infact a wish for all Uni undergraduates & graduates I wish they have an equal amount of Wisdom, Emotional Intelligence, Authenticity, Stamina & Resolve to balance their mental intelligence & intellect. That they can also trust profoundly their own inherent wisdom, the meaning & not just the reasons, the value & not just the cost. That they find, together, as one, they have the future in the beat of their hearts, inadvertently creating a legacy to inherit for all those yet to be born. May they all feel the significance of such Universal wisdom & the importance of Unconditional Love, Kindness & Peace. May the joys of family & friends, the wealth to be found in the many avenues of Love be a constant source of happiness & well being. May there always be a steadfast balance between careers & home life, between ambition & humility, between wealth & kindness. An awareness of others, that all peeps in their life at every given moment play an integral part of their own consciousness. May they learn to give as much as they take. May their prologue in Life's History be of great inheritance for the future generations.