Monday, 30 August 2010

Happy Birthday!

"H a a p p y   B i r t h d a y  tooo Yoooooou..  Hip Hip Hooray .. Hip Hip ..."
After the most er cute serenade!! My joyous occasion of a day started with my most adorable husband sounding as if he was having second thoughts about listening to my cheery humbleness earlier in the week. 
"So, sorry bout not getting you a card but you did say not to bother going into town - erm so I didn't. Hmm, and as I'm not really too sure what you'd truly like for your Birthday gift,  I thought this would be far more appreciated & sensible. Happy Birthday Sweetz, here's the money so you can choose exactly what you need or want."

So that gift, a most generous gift & most daring choice made by my Darling Hubby, tee hee, is how I am - we are - the delighted owners of two gorgeous gals. Two beauootiful 10 week old Border Terriers. As long as I can remember I've wanted dogs. Actually, not knowing much about them - dogs - I always just wanted a dog!! Singular!!  I will first start to share, the first of many ramblings probably, about how & why we ended up with our feline friends (to accompany our feathered & fur ones).

It was Sunday 5th September, 5 days after my Birthday. I sat quietly in the sitting room with my 17 year old daughter. A conspiracy brewed, together we're contemplating the major for's & minor against's of having a dog. Holidays being the most concern to us all. Especially as we've just started to take our holidays abroad,  it would be dreadful to cease the fun in the sun!! Even more so considering such a wet & Autumnal Summer recently endured! As we sat, we pondered, anticipating the joys, sharing our concerns & excitement. Perhaps the excitement fuelled more & more by the emails I kept receiving from the very nice friendly breeder, whom when answering all of my questions with such perfect answers, became more & more like a friends I couldn't ever let down!  
Maybe this was one of the main reason why I continued, with such genuine enthusiasm laced with such crazy ideals & ideas. Or perhaps as I'd been in constant dialogue with the breeder for quite a few emails earlier that very morning. It just didn't seem right now to discuss our very real concerns, fears, reservations or hesitations. After all I'd already emailed her some photies of our garden, so she could see where the two pups would be living, should we dare indulge our fantasies. Plus after the photies were received, not only was our garden promptly approved but she did then cancel the other guy coming from Chester to view her pups - as it would be such a waste of his time if we wanted both remaining pups for sale.

We drew breath, a few long deep breaths later we embarked upon our, almost secret, mission to pick up the pups & bring them home. My daughter deciding she wanted her friend to come with us, so whilst taking our deep breaths, stilling the anxieties & doubts in our mind whilst waiting for him to arrive we were both quietly getting dressed.  Then just before leaving we thought it wise to inform my darling hubby we were in fact going out to purchase my Birthday Gift. Bless him,  the usual haunts naturally sprung to his mind,
" Ah okay Darling, have fun - you going to TKMAXX or town? "   " Hmm, erm no - not exactly. . .  NO ".  
Surely he would now remember all our previous conversations about me wanting a dog, surely he would remember wanting to own a dog. Although, you may have noticed I have already mentioned pups'. Thankfully, having two dogs, was inadvertently kind of my hubby's innocent suggestion. Probably meant to put me off. I mean he was the one who did say " Well, in my opinion, its cruel to have only one dog, I think they're much happier as a pair, together to play, keep each other company"  Never needing much encouragement - that was the seal of approval for me. So, we - me & darling teen, decided in our entwined wisdom he was quite right - 2 pups would be best - 2 little sisters especially would be ideal.

After a quick kiss & not too many spoken details, we, all three of us (as the friend had arrived) waved Bye-bye to hubby to embark upon our merry way.  Hmmm - would've been wonderful had the pups been as close to our home as our local TK!! Three miles down the road I found myself already considering at what point in time, during our journey do I text hubby to say "best have your dinner, we're going to be late" You see TKMAXX is about 4 miles away.  Er .. South Yorkshire about 231!!! (one way).  Yes, 'barking' springs to mind, barking mad! But, the breeder seemed so lovely, home reared pups as opposed to the awfully sad puppy farming ones that looked so gorgeous on the breeders website. Glad such a 'farm' had a website - showing photies of such sad studs & bitches really reinforced why breeding like that is just sooo cruel & sad.  Least the pups in South Yorkshire were used to being cuddled & handled by a family with children & most importantly the Mum a much loved family pet.  Surely many things in life are worth going the extra few miles. Really sounded quite ideal. With this idealistic enthusiasm the following blog is the dedicated to the details of our round trip & the beginning of sharing many wondrous stories. xXx